LTI integration

The 🔗 Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)® specification allows learning anagement systems (LMS) or platforms to integrate remote tools and content in a standard way.

If you administer an LTI-compliant LMS, you can start offering Drillster's functionality by utilizing the Drillster LTI wrapper.

Drillster LTI integration

The Drillster LTI integration consists of a custom wrapper around the standard Drillster player widget which can turn any drill or test into an LTI object. This object can be uploaded into any compatible LMS, and allows users of the LMS to access the learning object seamlessly.

The LTI wrapper takes care of the following:

  • Account provisioning – if the LMS does not yet have a Drillster account, an account is created on-the-fly based upon the data provided by the LMS.
  • Group membership – the LMS user is made a member of the appropriate groups within the organization account. This ensures that users have access to the relevant content, either via the LMS or by logging in into Drillster directly.
  • Single sign-on – users do not have to worry about logging in into Drillster as this is taken care of by the LTI wrapper.


💡 Important

Before you can use the LTI integration, it needs to be configured for your organization.

In order to make use of the Drillster LTI wrapper, please make sure that:

  • Your LMS is LTI 1.0 or LTI 1.3 compliant.
  • You are the administrator of a Drillster license account.
  • Your users make use of an evergreen browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) or IE11.

If this is in order, please contact Drillster Support to set up the LTI integration.

Required information

Depending on whether you use LTI 1.0 or LTI 1.3, we need the following information:

  • For LTI 1.0:

    • An oauthConsumerKey
    • A signatureSharedSecret
  • For LTI 1.3:

    • openIdConnectConfig:
      • issuer
      • clientId
      • registrationId
      • jwksUri
      • redirectUri
      • authorizationUri
      • tokenUri
      • scope


Use of the Drillster LTI wrapper is included in the standard license fees.

Account provisioning

When a user starts an LTI for the first time, a Drillster account will be set up for the user automatically. To do this, we use one or more identities of the user to determine what account belong to the identity. An identity can be an email address, or unique identifier that is typically issued by the LMS or the company operating the LMS, e.g. a personnel number.


The LTI wrapper supports two types of identities: email address and third party ID. A third party ID is a unique identifier for the user that is issued by the system or organization that is using Drillster. In other words, it is not issued by Drillster, hence the name third party. The third party ID must have the following properties:

  • Unique – it identities a single user
  • Immutable – it can't be changed
  • Non-reusable – it will never be assigned to other users

The third party identity must be provided. The decision to provide an email address, is up to you. However, Drillster recommends providing both. Using only an email address as identity quite often proves problematic, because in reality an email address is not always immutable. A user's email address might change due to a user's changed marital status, department, or for other reasons. Using only a third party ID can be problematic in some situations, too, because users don't always know this ID themselves. This might lead to problems when communicating with Drillster support. Also, Drillster does not have the option to communicate to the user by email, which is necessary to send e.g. password reset emails.

💡 Good to know

It is strongly recommended to provide both a third party ID and an email address.

Third party registration

In order to use third party IDs, a third party must first be registered in the Drillster platform. Please contact to do this. You will be asked to provide the information as stated under Required information.

Upon successful registration, Drillster will provide you with the identifier of the third party, e.g. “ACME”.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if a student already has a Drillster account for the same email address?

The existing account is given access to the group. However, LTI users are always given a restricted session with access only to the learning objects belonging to the connected organization. Other content is not accessible during a LTI session.


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