POST token
Returns a new OAuth token.
Resource URL
Field | Type | Description |
client_id required |
String | The client ID of the registered application. Client IDs may be publicly shared. |
client_secret required |
String | The client secret of the registered application. The name implies that the client secret should not be shared with the end user. |
grant_type required |
String | The type of operation requested. Possible values are:
code optional |
String | Used for the Authorization Code grant type. |
refresh_token optional |
String | Used for refreshing expired access tokens. |
assertion optional |
String | Used for the JWT bearer flow grant type. |
A 2.1.1 Token object.
Example request
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJXSHJrck9DMFNEcWY2VjNXYVRrblpRIiwiZXhwIjoxNDY1ODI5Mjc0LCJqdGkiOiIwNzBiOGE1MS1hYjFkLTRlZDktODJjZS04YzNmZTlkMTJlMmEiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIzYWFhZTU1ZDc0ZDk0NmY0YWM2NTY4YTA3MjYxMDk5ZCIsInNjb3BlIjpbIlJPTEVfVVNFUiJdfQ.DmqZWRDMV4zctJ5R_WSsn_axGzfDNGOJJO79_garrM9w8zOvd7ZmAGgtFrVVcUWjfR3AR0RaXGM3wdHoqOs2YleD_AeYcrxDPJkiUDoQXQN3I9qNsediwhcMYj9l5UYlpR6uD3lcRzkCM4L5u4PTqs2RjZL2GBgvUMeQZNowpyK_shT_o_U4Y_LFnBWFf2c9MtKhUAIuNdqQ98jAxwEnS2tO_OUFCZ2JzZyFHmteQYz8q_kl5SE0UdBXmUfl4RKmxmozKyQFIA3p56Qtl65E_t8lJQVLC0OwL-2elAJMgqQy-J-ZHB3b9SMM9HXIDe81J-Sx51-R8bK4Dx28EZIPdg",
"expires_in": 2591999,
"jti": "070b8a51-ab1d-4ed9-82ce-8c3fe9d12e2a",
"refresh_token": "ca9ff8d9-c62e-424c-b57c-68f544d8d07e",
"scope": "ROLE_USER",
"token_type": "bearer"
Error responses
The following error situations are possible:
ID | Response code | Description |
invalid_request |
400 (Bad request) | The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed. |
invalid_client |
400 (Bad request) | Client authentication failed (e.g., unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method). The authorization server MAY return an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code to indicate which HTTP authentication schemes are supported. If the client attempted to authenticate via the "Authorization" request header field, the authorization server MUST respond with an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code and include the "WWW-Authenticate" response header field matching the authentication scheme used by the client. |
invalid_grant |
400 (Bad request) | The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client. |
unauthorized_client |
400 (Bad request) | The authenticated client is not authorized to use this authorization grant type. |
unsupported_grant_type |
400 (Bad request) | The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server. |
invalid_scope |
400 (Bad request) | The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner. |
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