2.1.1 TestResponse object

A test response contains the data required for an end user to access an anonymous test.


The example below includes a ticket, both in the URL and as a separate field. No secure test PIN is available.

  "url": "https://www.drillster.com/connector/player/gVZQAV1AQTeLz8dFUkl7PA?ticket=nnUauL5nSCyOaK8TJ11kcA",
  "ticket": "nnUauL5nSCyOaK8TJ11kcA"

The example below is for a secure test with a PIN code. Note that no ticket is present, and the PIN is not included in the URL.

  "url": "https://www.drillster.com/connector/player/gVZQAV1AQTeLz8dFUkl7PA",
  "pin": "7654321"


Field Type Description
String The unique URL for the requested anonymous test. This URL should be handed out to the person taking the test, who can then start it by visiting the URL. Once the test is completed, the URL can't be used anymore.

Example value: https://www.drillster.com/connector/player/gVZQAV1AQTeLz8dFUkl7PA?ticket=nnUauL5nSCyOaK8TJ11kcA
either a ticket or pin must be present – not both
String The ticket for the requested anonymous test. Although the ticket is part of the URL specified above, it might be useful in some situations to obtain the ticket separately.

Example value: nnUauL5nSCyOaK8TJ11kcA
either a ticket or pin must be present – not both
String A secure test PIN to allow users to access an anonymous test with a common URL.

Example value: 7654321