POST user/…
Updates specific user details. Users can only update their own user account, not the account of others.
⚠️ Do not use
This endpoint is deprecated. Please use the PUT user/… endpoint instead.
Resource URL
Field | Description |
name optional |
The full name of the user. Example value: Alice Smith |
locale optional |
The preferred language of the user. If supported by Drillster, this language will be used if the user logs in to the web interface. If not provided, the calling user's locale will be used. The value must be a 🔗 ISO 639-1 language code. Alternatively, a locale code may be specified consisting of a two-letter language code (ISO 639-1), and two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) separated by an underscore character. Example value: fr |
timeZone optional |
The time zone that the user resides in. Values are as defined by the 🔗 IANA Time Zone Database. This document provides a full list of time zone IDs. Example values:
description optional |
A brief biography or description of the user. Example value: I use Drillster to brush up on my language skills |
A successful update returns an empty response.
Example request
Error responses
The following error situations are possible:
ID | Description |
missing_parameters |
No input parameters specified. |
no_such_user |
User account could not be loaded. |
invalid_real_name |
Given real name is invalid. |
invalid_locale |
Given locale is not valid. |
corrupt_user |
Requested user record is incomplete. |
invalid_time_zone |
Given time zone is not valid. |
corrupt_user |
Requested user record is incomplete. |
Last updated on