PUT user/…/catalog

Grants catalog permission for a user.

Resource URL







Field Type Description
one of user_id, email_address or third_party_id required
String The user ID to grant catalog access for.

Example value: nPjYUn0upc8dIm7yzTIBgQ
one of user_id, email_address or third_party_id required
String The email address for the user to grant catalog access for.

Note that the email address is part of the URI and therefore needs to be URL encoded!

Example value: jane@example.com
one of user_id, email_address or third_party_id required
String A third party ID for the user to grant catalog access for, formatted as THIRD_PARTY/ID.

Note that the third party ID is part of the URI and therefore needs to be URL encoded!

Example value: COMPANY/12345
String The unique key of the catalog to grant user access for.

Example value: 8dImzTInPjYUn0upcBgQ7y

If a PUT request has no body (i.e. the body is empty), it is still mandatory to include a Content-Length header (i.e. Content-Length: 0). Not all HTTP clients do this automatically. For more information, please see RFC 2616.


A 2.1.1 NoContent (204) response indicating that the user access to the catalog was successfully granted.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
catalog_id_missing 400 (Bad request) No catalog ID was specified.
missing_user 400 (Bad request) No user given.
catalog_not_found 404 (Not found) The specified catalog was not found.
not_found 404 (Not found) Requested account not found.
not_linked_to_organization 403 (Forbidden) Calling user is not linked to an organization.
not_permitted 403 (Forbidden) Only own organization is accessible.