GET test-question/…

Returns a test question for the specified test.

Resource URL{test}



Field Type Description
String Unique identifier of the test to be taken.

Example value: 5YiBVXMMkIB6FmcLssQ74Q
String An optional ticket for use with anonymous tests.

Example value: 5YiBVXYTkIB6FmcLssQ74Q
Integer For adaptive tests that allow it, it is possible to set the entry level of the test. The lowest (easiest) entry level is 1.

Example value: 3
Integer An optional question sequence number so that a specific question may be retrieved.

Note: retrieving a specific question is only possible for tests that allow question navigation. If the test does not allow question navigation, an invalid_request error response will result.


A 2.1.1 QuestionResponse object.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
missing_test_id 400 (Bad request) No test ID was given
invalid_entry_level 400 (Bad request) The given entry level is invalid
invalid_question 400 (Bad request) The given question is invalid
missing_ticket 400 (Bad request) No ticket specified for anonymous test question.
internal_error 400 (Bad request) An error occurred while loading the test question
test_definition_not_found 404 (Not found) The requested test definition could not be found
invalid_ticket 400 (Bad request) The given ticket is not set up for the test definition
inaccessible_test 400 (Bad request) The test contains drills that are inaccessible to the user
already_completed 400 (Bad request) The test has already been completed by the user
questions_exhausted 400 (Bad request) There are no more outstanding questions for this test
invalid_request 400 (Bad request) The request was invalid. A possible cause is requesting a specific question for a test that does not allow question navigation.