PUT group-invitation/…

Accepts or declines an invitation for a group.

Resource URL


The token is the unique code representing the group invitation.


Field Type Description
String The action to apply to the invitation.


If a PUT request has no body (i.e. the body is empty), it is still mandatory to include a Content-Length header (i.e. Content-Length: 0). Not all HTTP clients do this automatically. For more information, please see RFC 2616.


The accepted or declined 2.1.1 GroupInvitation object.

Example request

POST https://www.drillster.com/api/2.1/group-invitation/eFqr79Q4R3KiMs2a7vSNqQ


  "status": "ACCEPTED",
  "user": {
    "id": "x1MZEtQoRb19bU6v0bunOw",
    "emailAddress": "jane.doe@example.com"
  "group": {
    "id": "bWBNGxnkf9dx2K4BGc2mndIEw0urEGKNs-9Zme3PgOM",
    "name": "European geography",
    "description": "Learn the countries and capitals of Europe",
    "counts": {
      "drillables": 20,
      "tests": 6

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
missing_token 400 (Bad request) Group invitation token is missing
missing_action 400 (Bad request) The action must be either ACCEPT or DECLINE
invalid_invitation_status 400 (Bad request) The action must be either ACCEPT or DECLINE
unknown_group_invitation 404 (Not found) The group invitation not found
no_user_account 400 (Bad request) No user account has been set up yet for the invitee – set up a user account first
no_catalog_access 403 (Forbidden) The group is locked on a catalog, and the user does not have access to this catalog
no_permission 403 (Forbidden) The caller has no permission to this endpoint
group_member_quota_reached 400 (Bad request) You reached the number of group members you can add to your groups for your license
privacy_location_conflict 409 (Conflict) The user has a privacy data location that conflicts with the privacy data location of your organization
internal_error 500 (Internal error) An internal error occurred
accept_failed message 400 (Bad request) Accepting the group invitation failed
decline_failed 400 (Bad request) Declining the group invitation failed