DELETE group/…/tests/…

Removes a test from a group. This makes the test no longer available to the members of the group, unless the test is also available to the member through another group.

Removing a test from a group will not remove the test itself or any test results. Test results are still available to the test's author, but group members will no longer be able to access the test or view past test results.

Resource URL{group_id}/tests/{test_id}


Field Description
The unique ID of the group.
Identifies the test to be disconnected from the group.

Example value: eSxMA4MISaCjJA43PgMEnQ


An HTTP 204 (No content) response indicating that the test was disconnected from the group.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
test_id_missing 400 (Bad request) No test ID specified.
no_group_access 403 (Forbidden) No access to group.
group_not_found 404 (Not found) Could not retrieve group details.
test_not_in_group 404 (Not found) Given test is not part of the group.
test_in_group_learning_objective 400 (Bad request) Test is stil part of one of the group's objectives.
no_permission 403 (Forbidden) Caller has no permission to disconnect tests from this group.