PUT group/…/test/…

Set the review date for a single user's group test. This is the date that the user is expected to have completed the test. A prerequisite is that the group test must have been set up with review date PER_USER.

Resource URL


The group ID is the unique identifier of the group, and the test ID is the unique identifier of the group's test. The test ID is obtained when defining the test.


Field Type Description
String The user ID of the group member to set the review date for.

Example value: g_ZakhOqTCWl8uZ-x0abGw
ISO 8601 Date The review date for the test. This is the date that the user is expected to have completed the test. The date must be in the future.

Example value: 2015-12-10T02:00:00Z

If a PUT request has no body (i.e. the body is empty), it is still mandatory to include a Content-Length header (i.e. Content-Length: 0). Not all HTTP clients do this automatically. For more information, please see RFC 2616.

Example request

PUT https://www.drillster.com/api/2.1/group/OcPiC-pcH2MaO8pow3TlKB-0wzeHAJzM6vlL1te6wI/test/HCg9aaeZRdGEw16dLXUowQ


{ }

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Description
no_objective The test was configured without a review date (objective).
invalid_objective The test was not configured with review date PER_USER.
unknown_test The specified test was not found.
not_group_test The specified test is not a group test.
review_date_missing No review date was specified.
invalid_review_date The specified review date is not a valid ISO-8601 date, or it is a past date.
user_id_missing No user ID was specified.
user_not_group_member The specified user is not a member of the group of this test.