GET test/…/accesses

Retrieves all entity accesses for a given test definition. Each access grants access to the test definition.

A test definition may have accesses that the caller is not authorized to see, such as groups of another organization. These accesses are included in the response in a separate 2.1.1 InaccessibleTestAccess list, grouped per type.

Resource URL{test_id}/accesses


Field Type Description
String The ID of the test definition. This defines the test itself, not the individual instances done by users.

Example value: 7OuHq7RcQOCsnGWR58TnBw


A 2.1.1 TestAccesses object, containing information about the test and the entities with access to it.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
test_id_missing 400 (Bad request) No test ID was specified
unknown_test 404 (Not found) The specified test is unknown
no_permission 401 (Unauthorized) The caller does not have permission to retrieve this test