GET organizations/…/accounts

Retrieves all accounts managed by an organization, including staff accounts.

Note that pagination works slightly differently when filtering in this way.

Resource URL{organization_id}/accounts


Field Type Description
String The unique ID of the organization. As a reference to the own organization, the value self may also be used.

Example value: vFhqW_4Ea9ktLHqwHcrq-w
String Optional filter on the type of relation the account should have to the organization. Use ADMIN to restrict the output to administrative (staff) accounts.
String The starting value of the paginated result set returned. This concerns the creation date of the accounts, unless when querying admin accounts; then it's a simple index. The value should be taken from the lastOnPage in the 2.1.1 Pagination details.
Integer The maximum number of elements to return. If omitted, the value 10 is used. No page size larger than 100 items is permitted.
String Optional search filter, for name or email address.


A 2.1.1 OrganizationAccounts object, containing the accounts plus pagination details.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
invalid_relation_type 400 (Bad request) The value for the relationType parameter is invalid.
invalid_result_size 400 (Bad request) The value for the resultSize parameter is invalid. It should be positive and not larger than 100.
invalid_result_from 400 (Bad request) The value for the resultFrom parameter is invalid. It should represent either a timestamp as epoch millis or the previous index. The value should be taken from the lastOnPage in the Pagination details.
not_linked_to_organization 401 (Unauthorized) You are not an administrator of an organization.
not_permitted 403 (Forbidden) You are not allowed to access this organization.
not_found 404 (Not found) The specified organization does not exist.