DELETE catalog/…

Deletes the specified catalog.

The calling user must have PUBLISH_TO_CATALOG permission and be a staff user of the organization that owns the catalog.

Resource URL{catalog_id}


Field Type Description
String The unique ID of the catalog.


An HTTP 2.1.1 NoContent (204) response indicating a successful deletion.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
not_authorized 400 (Bad request) The calling user must have PUBLISH_TO_CATALOG permission.
catalog_id_missing 400 (Bad request) No catalog ID was specified.
catalog_not_found 404 (Not found) The specified catalog was not found.
not_linked_to_organization 401 (Unauthorized) Caller is not linked to an organization.
not_permitted 403 (Forbidden) Only the own organization is accessible.