GET group/…/objectives

Retrieves all objectives that have been defined for a group.

The following types of objectives can be defined:

  • One-off practice objectives (e.g. Achieve 95% before 6 June)
  • Permanent practice objectives (e.g. Retain 75% after 7 November)
  • Test objective (e.g. Complete the test before 27 August)

For large groups, it is recommended to paginate the results, using the resultStart and resultSize parameters. This will limit the number of group members to include in the result. The group members are sorted by date and time they joined the group.

Resource URL{group_id}/objectives

The group ID is the unique identifier of the group.


None, other than the group ID in the URL.


A list of 2.0 Objective objects.

Example request



[ {
  "id": "OHJ8PKcPQiqxUSmDFjOTPA",
  "type": "ONEOFF",
  "reviewDate": "2013-11-24T00:00:00Z",
  "minimumProficiency": "90",
  "drills": [ {
    "id": "86KQcmCWSzCsgjRr2lkO9Q",
    "name": "East European countries"
  } ]
}, {
  "id": "Jx2a5ZfJQ1qT1vasyXzYqQ",
  "type": "ONEOFF",
  "reviewDate": "2013-07-30T22:00:00Z",
  "minimumProficiency": "100",
  "drills": [ {
    "id": "QnOsNpGQTQSUVyXWdUjgqA",
    "name": "Scandinavian countries"
  }, {
  "id": "wL5Sj3hfQhmb3G1nzo0wYw",
  "name": "Baltic countries"
  } ]
} ]

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Description
group_not_found Could not retrieve group details.
no_group_access You are not allowed to remove drills from this group.