2.1 ImageMapArea object

Defines a hot spot as one or more polygons.


  "id": "b20be8f1-6085-11e5-9492-06efc9033914",
  "coordinates": [ [ 63, 56, 67, 58, 67, 66, 70, 72, 66, 73, 66, 77, 66, 82, 69, 79, 72, 77, 72, 80, 75, 79, 77, 75, 78, 72, 82, 76, 80, 78, 80, 79, 83, 80, 84, 77, 85, 74, 88, 74, 91, 74, 91, 76, 91, 79, 91, 83, 94, 83, 93, 79, 94, 77, 97, 79, 97, 82, 99, 82, 102, 79, 108, 81, 109, 78, 110, 75, 114, 74, 114, 77, 114, 80, 115, 83, 118, 83, 120, 82, 117, 85, 117, 88, 119, 87, 118, 90, 117, 94, 121, 93, 119, 96, 119, 98, 125, 101, 123, 104, 121, 106, 122, 108, 119, 111, 118, 113, 114, 114, 113, 113, 111, 116, 109, 119, 105, 120, 104, 118, 103, 118, 102, 120, 96, 119, 92, 123, 86, 122, 82, 121, 80, 120, 79, 122, 78, 125, 72, 124, 68, 125, 68, 124, 65, 122, 65, 120, 62, 117, 60, 116, 59, 116, 58, 112, 61, 112, 58, 110, 55, 108, 49, 107, 49, 105, 45, 103, 43, 102, 45, 100, 47, 100, 47, 102, 51, 103, 52, 102, 51, 98, 56, 98, 54, 97, 51, 96, 51, 94, 57, 94, 57, 92, 51, 92, 53, 88, 50, 85, 48, 84, 45, 84, 43, 81, 43, 79, 44, 82, 49, 82, 52, 84, 59, 85, 60, 83, 60, 81, 57, 82, 56, 79, 61, 79, 61, 75, 59, 75, 59, 73, 56, 73, 55, 71, 49, 71, 46, 70, 45, 66, 48, 67, 49, 69, 49, 64, 50, 64, 52, 68, 55, 66, 54, 65, 51, 63, 54, 64, 54, 59, 58, 59, 57, 61, 58, 64, 60, 67, 64, 67, 62, 64, 62, 61, 63, 60, 62, 57 ] ],
  "name": "Iceland"


Field Type Description
String A UUID (unique ID) for the hotspot. This UUID is referenced in the question, and is used to identify a selected answer.
Two-dimensional array of coordinates. A list of the actual list of coordinates (x before y). The polygon must lie within the dimenions of the image map image.
String An optional name for the hotspot. This name is not usually used in the question/answer sequence.