API objects
The API 2.1 recognizes and produces the following objects (models):
- 2.1 Column
- 2.1 Columns
- 2.1 Compatibility
- 2.1 ImageMapArea
- 2.1 ImageMap
- 2.1 Practice
- 2.1 Reception
- 2.1 Restrictions
- 2.1 UploadedDrill
- 2.1 Alternative
- 2.1 Cell
- 2.1 DrillSettings
- 2.1 Entries
- 2.1 EntryTagsExpression
- 2.1 EntryTags
- 2.1 Entry
- 2.1 Tag
- 2.1 Tags
- 2.1 Access
- 2.1 AccountAlreadyExistsError
- 2.1 ActionableNotification
- 2.1 Categories
- 2.1 Category
- 2.1 ClientApp
- 2.1 ClientApps
- 2.1 Coordinates
- 2.1 Country
- 2.1 Created
- 2.1 Dimensions
- 2.1 ErrorResponse
- 2.1 Error
- 2.1 ForwardedPlayable
- 2.1 ForwardedPlayables
- 2.1 Language
- 2.1 Languages
- 2.1 License
- 2.1 Location
- 2.1 Login
- 2.1 MarkupText
- 2.1 Markup
- 2.1 Media
- 2.1 NoContent
- 2.1 Notification
- 2.1 Notifications
- 2.1 OK
- 2.1 Pagination
- 2.1 Proficiency
- 2.1 Property
- 2.1 Rating
- 2.1 Response
- 2.1 Session
- 2.1 Sessions
- 2.1 Success
- 2.1 Suggestions
- 2.1 Thumbnail
- 2.1 Token
- 2.1 VersionResponse
- 2.1 Warnings
- 2.1 CatalogRestriction
- 2.1 Catalog
- 2.1 Catalogs
- 2.1 CommunicationConfig
- 2.1 GroupCounts
- 2.1 GroupCourseResult
- 2.1 GroupCourse
- 2.1 GroupDrillResult
- 2.1 GroupDrill
- 2.1 GroupDrillableResult
- 2.1 GroupDrillable
- 2.1 GroupInvitation
- 2.1 GroupInvitations
- 2.1 GroupMemberResult
- 2.1 GroupMember
- 2.1 GroupMembers
- 2.1 GroupResults
- 2.1 GroupStaffUser
- 2.1 GroupStaff
- 2.1 Group
- 2.1 Groups
- 2.1 UserCatalog
- 2.1 MessageConfig
- 2.1 ObjectiveEvaluationAggregate
- 2.1 ObjectiveEvaluation
- 2.1 ObjectiveEvaluations
- 2.1 Objective
- 2.1 Objectives
- 2.1 UsersLink
- 2.1 AnswerResponse
- 2.1 Arbiter
- 2.1 Arbiters
- 2.1 Ask
- 2.1 ChartData
- 2.1 Context
- 2.1 Course
- 2.1 Courses
- 2.1 Drill
- 2.1 Drillable
- 2.1 Drillables
- 2.1 Evaluation
- 2.1 Feedback
- 2.1 Playable
- 2.1 Playables
- 2.1 Preferences
- 2.1 ProficiencyChart
- 2.1 QuestionResponse
- 2.1 Question
- 2.1 Review
- 2.1 Reviews
- 2.1 Score
- 2.1 Tell
- 2.1 TermEvaluation
- 2.1 Term
- 2.1 TestQuestion
- 2.1 TestResponse
- 2.1 TestResultDrill
- 2.1 TestResult
- 2.1 TestScoreTransformer
- 2.1 TestScoreTransformers
- 2.1 Test
- 2.1 Tests
- 2.1 Transformation
- 2.1 Tts
- 2.1 Version
- 2.1 Versions
- 2.1 Actor
- 2.1 Actors
- 2.1 Contract
- 2.1 Contracts
- 2.1 EmailAddress
- 2.1 Organization
- 2.1 Permissions
- 2.1 Person
- 2.1 ThirdPartyId
- 2.1 UserEmailAddress
- 2.1 UserEmailAddresses
- 2.1 User
Please see the list of endpoints to find out where these objects are used.
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