PUT group/…/members/…

Adds a user to a group.

This user can be an existing Drillster user, or somebody who does not yet have a Drillster account in which case an account will be created on the fly. If the user is successfully added, they will receive a notification by email.

Resource URL






The group ID is the unique identifier for the group.

To identify the invited user, the user ID can be specified (if the user is an existing Drillster user, and the user ID is known), or the email address. The email address can be used for users with or without a Drillster account. If the user already has a Drillster account, the email address must be one of the email addresses configured in the account's profile. Alternatively, a supported third party ID may be specified.


Field Type Description
String The unique identifier of the group.

Example value: nYrK9udUc-UGvRS2kxaPtaB-0wzeHAJzM6vlL1te6wI
user_id or user_email
String The user ID or email address of the prospective group member.
Boolean Set this to true if auto-setup is enabled for your account, and you want the invited user's account automatically to be set up if it does not exist yet. In this case you must also specify a real name for the account. If you do not provide a real name, the request will end in error.
Boolean Set this to true to send new users a standard Drillster welcome email. This is only applicable to newly created accounts. If the user already had a Drillster account, no welcome messages are ever sent.
String The real name of the invited user. This should only be provided if the user does not have a Drillster account yet, and auto-setup is enabled for your account, and setup is set to true.
String The preferred language of the new user. If supported by Drillster, this language will be used if the user logs in to the web interface. If not provided, the calling user's locale will be used. The value must be a 🔗 ISO 639-1 language code.

Currently supported language codes by Drillster are:

  • en
  • es
  • fr
  • de
  • nl
Example value: fr

Please note: This should only be provided if the user does not have a Drillster account yet, and auto-setup is enabled for your account, and setup is set to true. The value is ignored otherwise.
Integer The year of birth of the user, expressed in four digits.

Example value: 1974

Please note: This should only be provided if the user does not have a Drillster account yet, and auto-setup is enabled for your account, and setup is set to true. The value is ignored otherwise.
String The time zone that the user resides in. Values are as defined by the 🔗 IANA Time Zone Database. 🔗 This document provides a full list of time zone IDs.

Example values:

  • America/Los_Angeles
  • Europe/Amsterdam
  • Asia/Jakarta
Please note: This should only be provided if the user does not have a Drillster account yet, and auto-setup is enabled for your account, and setup is set to true. The value is ignored otherwise.
String The country the new user resides in. The value must be a two-character 🔗 ISO 3166-1 country code.

Example value: US

Please note: This should only be provided if the user does not have a Drillster account yet, and auto-setup is enabled for your account, and setup is set to true. The value is ignored otherwise.

The parameters must be appended to the URL, and not be included in the message body. For example: /api/2.1/group/0kIpT-yh7l6dF0w4EWkRYaB-0wzeHAJzM6vlL1te6wI/members/john.doe@drillster.com?setup=true&name=John+Doe

💡 Good to know

If a PUT request has no body (i.e. the body is empty), it is still mandatory to include a Content-Length header (i.e. Content-Length: 0). Not all HTTP clients do this automatically. For more information, please see 🔗 RFC 2616.


A 2.1 OK object containing a message stating that the user has successfully been invited.

Example request

PUT https://www.drillster.com/api/2.1/group/0kIpT-yh7l6dF0w4EWkRYaB-0wzeHAJzM6vlL1te6wI/members/john.doe@drillster.com


  "description": "The user has been invited to the group."

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Response code Description
no_user_specified 400 (Bad request) No user was specified in the request.
name_missing 400 (Bad request) Unable to set up a new account, because no name is provided.
locale_invalid 400 (Bad request) An invalid locale was specified. Only ISO 639-1 values are allowed.
year_of_birth_invalid 400 (Bad request) An invalid year of birth was specified. Only 4-digit years are allowed.
invalid_time_zone 400 (Bad request) An invalid time zone was specified. Only 🔗 these time zone IDs are allowed.
residence_country_invalid 400 (Bad request) The given residence country code is invalid. Only ISO 3166-1 values are allowed.
group_not_found 404 (Not found) Could not retrieve group details.
already_invited 400 (Bad request) The given user is already invited to the group.
invitation_quota_reached 400 (Bad request) The maximum number of members or invitations has been reached for this organization.
privacy_storage_location_conflict 400 (Bad request) There is a conflict between the invited user's privacy data storage location and the required privacy data storage location of the organization.
user_lacks_required_catalog_access 403 (Forbidden) The user lacks access to the catalog that this group is restricted to.
error 500 (Internal error) Error while joining the group or setting up the new account.
unknown_user 404 (Not found) Given user ID is not known.
invalid_email_address 400 (Bad request) The given email address is not valid.
email_address_missing 400 (Bad request) Unable to invite user, because no email address is provided.
operation_not_allowed 400 (Bad request) The organization settings do not allow creating new group member accounts.
no_user 400 (Bad request) Cannot add an unknown user to a group.
duplicate_third_party 400 (Bad request) There is already an account with this third party id.
duplicate_email 400 (Bad request) There is already an account with this email.