GET group/…/results

Retrieves the up-to-date results for a group.

The results include the following data:

  • the average proficiency for the entire group (over all group members and all drills)
  • sthe average proficiency for each drill (over all group members)
  • the current proficiency for each group member and each drill in the group
  • the average proficiency for each group member (over all drills)
  • the evaluation of practice objectives, if any have been defined for the drills in the group, and if the objectives is due (it's evaluation date has passed).

For large groups, it is recommended to paginate the results, using the resultStart and resultSize parameters. This will limit the number of group members to include in the result. The group members are sorted by date and time they joined the group.

Resource URL{group_id}/results


Field Type Description
String The unique identifier of the group.

Example value: Ak_X20ACmESsTY72HU5IbU37I50Y9UO5_enbyfJYowc
Integer The index number (zero-based) of the first group member to include in the result. Use this parameter, in combination with resultSize, to apply pagination of the result; it will limit the number of group members included in the result. Defaults to 0.
Integer The maximum number of group members to include in the result. If not specified, the results for all (remaining) group members are returned.


A 2.1 GroupResults object.

Error responses

The following error situations are possible:

ID Description
group_not_found Could not retrieve group details.
drill_code_missing No drill specified.
no_group_access You are not allowed to access this group.